Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Salsa

We have three boxes of tomatoes in the garage, all of which need a home in bottles. I blanched several of them this morning and made salsa! My hand is still hot from the peppers I cut up and put in the blender along with garlic, onion, cilantro, cumin,lemon, lime, salt, and pepper. It's going to be good as all the spicies are blended together, working in favor of each other to make a delightful salsa. If I were to miss even one ingredient, it wouldn't be the same---yup, just like Christ's Body, working together in favor of each other to build up to make a delightful harmony for Him. When one is missing there is disharmony and pain. When the body tears at each other and causes others to leave, the flavor is not as good!
I am excited about my salsa. I'm eager to have my family try it and I'm excited to make more.
Jesus, use me to be in harmony with Your Body. Use me to build them up and be a helpful ingredient. Say That Again, Jesus, be blended together as a Body IN You!

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