Monday, March 7, 2011

It's His Party!!

A couple years ago a friend said to me "I will hurt you!" She figured that since she is human and we are involved in a relationship, I'd get hurt at some point. I've thought about that statement often, and taken it to God in question. I have been hurt in relationships many times, because I was selfish, or possibly because the other person was selfish. I've put myself in vulnerable situations and there's been pain.  Each time I bring it to God and ask Him what could've been different, how do I need to learn, what can I do better next time?
I am often led to the book of 1 Peter. In chapter 2, there are many treasures that speak to my heart.  He stresses that I, all of us, are chosen by Him for a high calling., a priestly work.  We are chosen to be a holy people, I am CHOSEN to be holy! He says I am God's instrument to do His work and to speak out for him--telling others of the night and day difference He has made in my life.
If I am always keeping my focus on Him, if I strive for this holy calling, I will be a blessing to others, not a curse. I will be able to work through my differences and I will be able to love them as Jesus does. I will be able to set my ego aside for the sake of my soul and the soul of others.
Today, I am praying that I will not be hurtful to anyone, but instead I will serve them willingly and lovingly.  I am praying that God will use me to further His kingdom, and to be a soothing salve to everyone in my path. I am praying that when my self gets in the way, God will bring quick recognition, and He will bind any wounds that I have created. I am praying for a blazing holiness, a firm foundation, a love that is unbreakable.
This is the kind of life that my Jesus has invited me into, I must join Him today and everyday.  He is wooing me, dancing with me, holding me in His heart. I am invited to the party of His love, and it is my mission to invite others.  To bless them, dance with them, enjoy them, understand them, be intrigued by them. The Spirit of Jesus will enable me to do this, He will give me boldness, courage, strength and wisdom. It's His party, and it is my job to celebrate at His party!
So, Jesus, Say That Again to me! Remind me today to be a blessing, to laugh, love, embrace all that You are and pass it on to my family, community, and my church.  I love you, Jesus, thanks for the invite!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I join you in agreement with this desire for myself...I want that also. I join in the party! Thank you Lord that your mercy and grace are new each day as you transform me!


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