Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Sticky Situation

My son purchased some stickers at the mall, and in his enthusiasm he pasted them on his door. So, now, every time I walk down the hallway past his room, this is what I see! Lovely.  My husband talked to him about it and told him it would have been better for him to discuss the stickers with us before he put them on his door, but he said he just assumed that it would be okay. After all, he draws on his walls, so why shouldn't he be able to put stickers on his door?
As I was laying with him in his bed last night and we were discussing the sticky situation, he could not understand why I was not excited about seeing his stickers every day as I come out of my bedroom and start my day! To him, it seemed like the perfect way to start the day. To him, he simply wanted to share his beauty!
As I read in Psalms this morning I turned to chapter 27 and verse 4 says this: "One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple."
This was my prayer this morning, and will continue to be my prayer through out the day, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord. I want Him to open my eyes to all of His beauty and fix my gaze on Him and Him alone. I won't see the stickers on the door, or the circumstances in my day, or the unpredictable future, or the gaze will be fixed on the beauty of the Lord.
Say That Again, dear Jesus, You have brought me to the place of Your dwelling to gaze upon Your beauty!

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