Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Devotional

Yesterday someone read out of the Sarah Young devotional to me. It's one of my favorite devotionals, and yesterdays reading was especially meaningful. It was like God was speaking just to me.  Later, in the evening, when I was with a group, someone else pulled out her Sarah Young devotional and read the same page to me again! I knew God was really trying to get His point across to me then.
This morning, I was on the phone with someone and she read her Sarah Young devotional to me. Again, it felt very personal and perfect for my day. Then just after we hung up from our call, the phone rang again and it was another friend, she was calling to read to me out of her Sarah Young devotional!! Same book, same page! Okay God, I'm listening.
Today He was saying that the path is not random. He has plans and I don't need to worry about tomorrow. Just this morning I prayed for God to make some things very clear to me as far as direction. It didn't take Him long to do that. He sent two people to speak direction into my life very clearly, and to help me understand His path for my life.
Even when I feel afraid, and that is often, God works through my fear and leads me on His path when I ask Him. He sends His Spirit and His people and covers me in love.  Jesus, Say That Again, You continually speak in numerous ways, every single day. 

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