My energy level, despite my mucus issue, has returned to me late this morning, so I quickly took advantage of the fact that I actually felt like doing something. One look around the house, and clearly it needed some picking up! Every room was cluttered with kid toys, and the reality of Mom being out of commission was all too vivid!
I started to gather, gather, and gather some more. I piled everything on the stairs that lead up to Eli and Ruby's rooms. Now that we are blocked from getting up the stairs, I guess I will just continue to focus on the main floor!
To ensure that my energy stays, I drank the "5 hour energy drink" yum. I wouldn't say that I'm the energizer bunnie, exactly, but it does help. I think I could travel to the store, get a few groceries, cook dinner. It may seem a bit ambitious, but it's worth a try.
The flu is like bondage. I have been in bondage before, under the grip and lies of the enemy. When this happens, when I believe the lies of the enemy, I am unable to function at the intended level God has for me. I am unable to see clearly. And, I am unable to move forward IN Him.
Bondage can be anything that is more important than God. Anything that keeps me from having a fulfilling relationship with Him. Lies that tell me I'm not His child, or I could be taken out of His grip. Whispers of insecurity that keep me from hearing His voice. Disobedience to His word.
When this happens, I have to live in The Mess. My spiritual energy is diminished. My life lacks the fruit of His Spirit. I cannot hear His voice, I do not know the love of His people.
The more I surrender my life to Him the more I see The Mess, and He enables me to clean it up. Each piece is picked up and stacked at His Feet, for Him to deal with. The bondage is gone, and freedom reigns!
Jesus, keep picking up The Mess in my life. Say That Again to me everyday--YOU are here, cleaning, giving freedom from all the mess. I love how YOU do that!
I started to gather, gather, and gather some more. I piled everything on the stairs that lead up to Eli and Ruby's rooms. Now that we are blocked from getting up the stairs, I guess I will just continue to focus on the main floor!
To ensure that my energy stays, I drank the "5 hour energy drink" yum. I wouldn't say that I'm the energizer bunnie, exactly, but it does help. I think I could travel to the store, get a few groceries, cook dinner. It may seem a bit ambitious, but it's worth a try.
The flu is like bondage. I have been in bondage before, under the grip and lies of the enemy. When this happens, when I believe the lies of the enemy, I am unable to function at the intended level God has for me. I am unable to see clearly. And, I am unable to move forward IN Him.
Bondage can be anything that is more important than God. Anything that keeps me from having a fulfilling relationship with Him. Lies that tell me I'm not His child, or I could be taken out of His grip. Whispers of insecurity that keep me from hearing His voice. Disobedience to His word.
When this happens, I have to live in The Mess. My spiritual energy is diminished. My life lacks the fruit of His Spirit. I cannot hear His voice, I do not know the love of His people.
The more I surrender my life to Him the more I see The Mess, and He enables me to clean it up. Each piece is picked up and stacked at His Feet, for Him to deal with. The bondage is gone, and freedom reigns!
Jesus, keep picking up The Mess in my life. Say That Again to me everyday--YOU are here, cleaning, giving freedom from all the mess. I love how YOU do that!

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