Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Maze

There was a maze. It had several rooms. It had several hallways. It had several floors. It was big. It was confusing. It provided rooms for special events.It provided safety. It was a great escape, a hiding place from the real world. It was a place to run.
The Maze had walls. The Maze had bolts. The Maze had doors. The Maze had lots and lots of people.
The Maze was created by the woman and managed well inside her head. It made her crazy. At least that is how other people viewed her. Crazy.
But, it was the maze that kept her alive. It was the maze that fractured her. It was the maze that made her work, and the maze that broke her.
She didn't know God had blessed her with a creative mind. He gave her the ability to cope in unusual ways, to survive, to live in a world that was very different, until He could soften her heart and rescue her. It would take time. She was afraid. She did not trust. It was not safe.
She drew the maze and gave it to a friend for safe keeping. Then God healed her mind, her mind was the maze. He took the woman and touched her, she touched Him. Just like the woman who touched His robe and was healed from her bleeding. This woman's brain stopped bleeding. The Maze isn't there anymore, but it is remembered in some ways, and the woman trembles at the memories.  All the women, with Mazes, tremble at the memories. All the women with Mazes are reaching for His Robe, none of them are crazy!
Jesus, Say That Again, to me Your Woman. Me, Bethany, I was the woman with the Maze and I need to hear from you how much you want me to love others. I need You to tell me to reach out to others in tenderness and compassion, and never let go. 

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