Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Delight

We woke to snow yesterday, it was just a dusting, but everything was white. My son was full of delight!  He could hardly wait to get outside and play in the snow so he put on his new snow pants, his coat, gloves, hat, and boots and off he went at 6:30 in the morning! I watched him out our bedroom window as he slid down our hill, kicked some snow, and gathered a pile off our mailbox. He seemed to be in snow heaven. He stayed outside for over 30 minutes enjoying the little bit that was there, using it all up I'm sure he was wishing for more, dreaming of the next snowfall.
To me, my delight was watching him. His excitement of a new season, his childlike joy.  His ability of play alone outside and be happy about God's gift. His anticipation for more, the long winter ahead with more sledding, skiing, snowmen, forts, and Christmas. To me, watching him was a gift.
Jesus has given me so many gifts. And, He also looks at me with delight, because I am his child. He blesses, keeps, loves, and nurtures me.  He holds me together, wraps me in his love.  Through all the years, all the stuff He has knit me together, and brought me along on an awesome journey.  What a delight it must be for Him!
I know for me when I think of the journey I have traveled with God I am humbled at His throne. It so totally amazes me that God, our big holy God, has taken the time to delight in me! He has taken the time to care for me, love me, put me together, and love me on a daily basis---walk with me! That is really big.
So, I can delight IN Him today. I can focus on Him. My Jesus, He is the source of all.
Say That Again, Jesus, you are my delight.

1 comment:

  1. We have our ground covered now and it looks like it will be staying for the winter now. The girls were outside today for about 2 hours rolling around, building forts, and just plain having fun!!


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