Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Box

God has been telling me to step out of the box. move away in courage and boldness so His light can shine brightly in the darkness of our world.  In one of the imagery's that I had Jesus was behind me again with His firm hand on my shoulder and He was telling me to move ahead. I didn't move, I just stood still and looked down the path that was lit for me.  He again, firmly encouraged me to step out and walk down the path. "Jesus, I want to, but where is this path going to take me?"  He commanded me to trust IN Him,  then He put both hands on my back and nudged me forward.  He nudged me out of the clearing, into the forest where I have to walk by faith! He asked me to step out of the box of rules, what others think, fear, and just move ahead IN Him on His path. I may not be able to see where it's taking me, but I can know He is there behind me every step of the way. He will nudge me when I am stuck, encourage me when I am fearful.  He will not leave the path He has set before me, I am not alone.
I can only go one step at a time.  My growth in Him is fully dependent upon Him, not me.  My sanctification is fully dependent on Him, not on my good works! I cannot maintain, or even gain, acceptance with Christ by doing anything, or having a standard of performance.  If I try to do this then the burden of responsibility is based my  behavior not on His unending, enabling grace. This is the difference between being led by the Spirit and being driven by flesh!
He is behind me nudging me into the light of His Spirit.  I can't see where I'm going or what is going to happen, but I know, He is there.  It is His path, His light, His Spirit, and I have to step out of the box, so I can grow In Him. Sanctification, comes with trusting Him. My walk is all about Him, and as I step out box, closer to Him, I am closer to the cross.  It is the Cross, the place He gave me life and forgiveness that gives me desire to serve Him. It is because of the good work that Jesus did at the cross, and then living again, that I can step out of the box and serve Him in the way He is calling me to serve.
Did you know that all the apostles, even Jesus, had to step out of the box? Even the great Saints of our time, had to step out in order to do what God was calling them to do. They had to blaze the trail out of the box and obey God's calling in their lives.  And, they were greatly blessed.  They were blessed by His grace and the knowledge that their growth did not depend on their efforts to maintain Christian discipline or practices, but only upon the grace of God.
So, today I will continue to step out of the box. Because my God is behind me all the way, and I am accepted and loved, He will bless me. I don't have to "do" anything for Him to gain this favor, but because He is who He is, I will seek Him and serve Him, because He loves me so deeply.
Say That Again, Jesus. Show me how to step out of the box and be lit up brightly by Your light and Your will.

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