Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Race

We went for another walk today, on a trail that follows the lake. It was a beautiful day, and we had a great time. Our son and daughter rode on their scooters and weaved in and out of all the other walkers, bikers and runners! On the way back, we stopped at a dock so our son could swim. Then, to switch things up a bit, my husband took the scooter and raced; it didn't work out as well as children on scooters!
This is true for me in the race of life; it doesn't usually work out so well. The rat race, that is how it feels sometimes, when I'm trying to weave my way through the tasks, the people, the thoughts, the days...
I prefer to stay out of the rat race. To keep my feet on the highway that leads to heaven, and stay the course, steady and sure. It's the path that God is constantly reminding me of, the one He has laid out for me, steady and sure. This is the only race I want to be in, it's His race. I want to fit into the palm of His Hand, and allow Him to carry me, keep me, envelope all of me. When I get off track, I want Him to snatch me up and set things right. This is His promise to me, because I have promised to stay in His race alone.
Say That Again, precious Jesus, the race of life is only worth winning if You are the beginning, the middle and the end. It is You, and You alone that keeps me steady and sure in my race of life.

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