Friday, May 20, 2011

The Walk

It's a beautiful day here--yippee!! We have sun and a light breeze.  The trees are green with leaves and there are flowers blooming in many yards.  It's warm, not too hot.  Just perfect!
My daughter and I dropped my son off at school this morning and then came to our ministry house to make spaghetti sauce.  As soon as that was done we decided to go for a walk.  It turned into a 3.5 mile walk with a smoothie for a pit stop. She rode her bike and she did great. It was very nice and it reminded me of when we use to live downtown and my son and I would walk everyday through the neighborhood.  It started with him in his stroller, then he graduated to his tricycle, then to his cool jeep, then on to his bike.  We would spend most every morning exploring the neighborhood, up and down ally's, and stopping at coffee shops for treats.
My walk with God has been like those walks.  I started in a stroller not having a clue really where I was going or what I was doing.  Then, as I got to know my Savior better, I moved up to a tricycle, then a car, then my bike!  I've learned to trust Him with the direction I'm going and learned to let Him steer me.  He has always walked beside me, never leaving me.
Now, today, He walks still with me as I process some major stress in our life.  What is going to happen? Where will we end up? How will this problem be solved? Will God pull through this time?
He will.  It may look different than I think it should, or hope it will. But, I do know He will walk beside me, and He will cherish me.
Say That Again, Jesus, You will walk beside me ALWAYS!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful truth, and I always need to hear it...Jesus you will always walk beside me, and at times even in front to guide.
    Blessings as He guides your walk


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