Monday, June 6, 2011

The Anniversary

Twenty-nine years ago today, at 3:00 in the afternoon, my husband and I were married. It was a warm sunny day, and we were married in a small church in Utah. I had a head cold, so a close friend went out and bought me a bunch of medication so I could breathe. It was a good day. We had a lot of friends there and we had a big reception with a huge cake that my brother made.
We drove to Victoria BC for our honeymoon. It's been 29 years, packed with good, bad, and in-between. We've had a bunch of dogs, a goat, cats, a horse, and rabbits. We've lived in several different homes, city and country, and traveled across the country and the world. We've been blessed with five children. We've worked for other companies, and we've owned our own businesses.
Through it all, we've stuck together. God blessed me with an amazing man, and he is an incredible father. Through the years, he has always loved me, he has been faithful to me, and he enjoys me. What more could a woman want? He has striven to be the man God intended him to be, and he has grown. Because of this, I have been richly blessed, loved, and kept.
So, today I thank my God for the groom in my life. I thank Him for taking care of me in this way, for loving me so deeply, and for blessing me so richly. I thank Him that He has given me someone that reflects the Father, and through that I have learned to love my Heavenly Father.
Gracious Father, Say That Again to me on this day. Your love for me is so deep and wide that You chose to demonstrate it through a man like my husband.

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome together! God has blessed you both with such love to last...


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