Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Swimmer

My daughter loves to swim. She has been taking lessons for two years, and she is the best swimmer in our family! She's good. Today is her last lesson.
Every week, I take her to her lesson and watch her swim. Her progress and dedication has been admirable. She has learned that if she jumps in, she comes back up. If she puts forth effort, she floats and moves across the water. If she trusts her coach, she learns and improves.
Just like life, if I take the leap of faith, God gives me wings if an eagle. If I stick to the course of life, my dedication and commitment pay off. If I put my trust in God as my leader and teacher, I will learn and my responses to life will improve.
Say That Again, precious Jesus. Keep me in the water, trusting you, and learning.

1 comment:

  1. I never learned to swim well. Fear from long ago keeps me from trusting that I can actually float & not sink. My face in the water terrifies me... "I don't have gills after all" , my irrational heart shouts when I try! So I stick to the backstroke & make sure my kids can swim, I can't save them after all!
    Sometimes life's experiences can stunt you & hold you back. I am glad that He hasn't given up on me, and with His love even I am learning to trust... Maybe someday I too will swim well.
    Thanks for reminding to take that leap of faith in every area.


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