Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Word

For me, words can be very powerful.  They can heal or they can make lifetime wounds. Some people have vicious tongues, other's are more wise. I have had experience with both, and I prefer the wise. The vicious tongue, the accuser, gossiper, slanderer, and destroyer, this is what I am choosing to stay away from, in others and myself.
"Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me" It's not really true. But, I have found, that Jesus knows how to bind up the wounds, and He knows how to armor me from the impact of words from others.
His Word is where I will turn. His Word speaks truth into my life, heals me, points me to Him. His Word teaches me to love Him, fear Him, and blesses me with the tools I need to move forward.
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" Ps 111: 10. Wisdom to know when to walk away, wisdom to know when to stay, wisdom to know truth, love, boldness.  Wisdom to know His direction.
Jesus, Say That Again, The Word sustains me, because it is You.

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