Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Thief

As I drove into town this morning, I listened to one of my favorite albums and the song that penetrated my heart this morning was "No Thief Like Fear" by Jason Gray:

Fear will take the best of us
Then come back for the rest of us
Its raging hunger never satisfied
It’s closer than a brother
And more jealous than a lover
Who holds you while it swallows you alive
Let down your guard
And it will steal your heart

There’s no thief like fear, no
There’s no thief like fear, no
Oh oh oh oh oh oh

I’ve tried to blame bureaucracy
The weak-knees of hypocrisy
And the cruel and shifting winds of circumstance
But I know insecurity
Is the worst of my own enemies
He sings his lonely song and I will dance
As he robs me blind
Right before my eyes

There’s no thief like fear, no
There’s no thief like fear, no
Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Set me free, set me free
Oh my God set me free
From these chains holding me
Oh my God set me free

There’s no thief like fear, no
There’s no thief like fear, no
There’s no thief like fear, no
There’s no thief like fear, no
Oh oh oh oh oh oh

I am free, I am free
Oh my God has set me free
From these chains I am released
For my God has set me free

I am free, I am free
Oh my God has rescued me
From these chains I am released
For my God has set me free

As I reflect on my own life I see that the things I fear, or the people I have feared, this is what steals my joy! Fear can become such an incredible bondage that I it does feel like chains holding me. Pretty soon, I feel like I have been swallowed alive and my heart is gone! 
The Word of God says over and over again to not be afraid, yet fear still has an ugly way of creeping upon my heart and stealing areas. It is in times like this that I have to pray for rescue! I have to pray for life to be given back to me and joy infused in my very bones. He breaks the fear chain and sets me free with boldness and courage. 
It is amazing to me that by resting in Him, there is such a peace. It is also amazing to me how quickly I can get caught up in some other form of fear and I have to fall back in His arms and pray for rescue. 
Oh, Jesus, keep me captured in Your Hands today. Do not let fear steal a moment of my day, but keep me fully in Your presence. Say That Again to me and release every fear chain, so that my experience is freedom in You!

1 comment:

  1. A great reminder for me. This pregnancy is bringing a whole new level of fear for me. I love you!


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