Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Impact

I have another book to read, its title is Who Is This Man? A friend of mine loaned it to me.  It's all about Jesus, and the unpredictable impact He has had on the human race. I like this quote:

"We live in a world where Jesus' impact is immense even if His name goes unmentioned."

I am just at the beginning of this book, but I know I am going to enjoy it, and will share with my readers what I discover. One thing I know today, Jesus has made a huge impact on my life. He changes me everyday, sometimes in little tiny steps, other times in leaps. Just the name of Jesus brings calm to my soul, and I repeat His name when I am distressed or desperate for His help. His impact on me has shown me love, grace, mercy, hope. His impact has reached me through the life of others, and I have been lifted, strengthened, and changed. His impact compares to no other!
Today, I will ask again, for Jesus to impact my life, and reveal His truth.
Jesus, Say That Again, as I walk another day with You. Your impact on my life today will change me!

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