Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Stolen Identity

Several days ago I watched a movie about a young women that was divorced. She decided to travel for a few months in hopes of discovering God and herself. In her travels, she met some friends that began asking her questions about who she was and as she answered them, they responded back by saying to her: "this is what you do, not who you are!"
I have been working on taking back my identity for a long time. It was stolen from me. The enemy of my soul stole it before I even had a chance to recognize that it was mine to keep.  He does that to many of God's children, and then he convinces them that they can't take it back. It's a lie.
God, the Lover of my soul, Truth Maker, Identity Creator, Soul Redeemer, Mind Transformer, Heart Molder, and Life Lighter, has my identity in his Hands. He shaped me in my mother's womb, He created a plan for my life, a purpose for me, and as His child, He will fulfill that purpose in my life!
But, there's the identity thing....I spent some time thinking about this yesterday and as I looked over my life I could see how the enemy of my soul had very successfully stolen my identity from birth. It has taken me years to claim it! And, not just claim it, but believe it, walk it, and live it!  And, then just when I think I'm believing it, something else might pop up, and the enemy will say: "remember when?"  And, he begins to pull at my claim on who I am in Christ Jesus, the truth of what I know.
He is a thief, he tells lies, he is cunning. If I am not clothed in Jesus, the armor of truth and righteousness, I will not be protected from his arrows.
This was read to me by someone dear yesterday:

But you are a chosen race, A royal priesthood, A holy nation, a people for God's own Possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. For you  once were not a people, but now you are  the people of God; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 1 Peter 2:9-10

Jesus, thank you for fighting for me, and giving me an identity. I know the enemy will relentlessly work to steal it! Jesus, Say That Again, I am Your chosen child, captured in Your Hands!

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