Thursday, July 5, 2012

The happy Fourth of July

We celebrated the Fourth of July with friends and family. It was a fun day. We started with the parade, and like every year, met friends walking the sidewalks and sitting along the curbs. My daughter and I even challenged a friend on a race to the bathrooms as the three of us found our way through the obstacle coarse of people.
Our house was full to the brim with children and dogs as we gathered for a barbecue. I felt grateful to my friends for being so helpful, because I was not prepared at all for a crowd.  I have been busy with other things the last few days, and didn't even know what was in my refrigerator! But, we pulled together and came up with a great meal, entertainment for six children, three dogs, and some restful time for the adults!
Our afternoon and evening was spent at the beach, again busy with friends and family. It brings me back to the blessings of God and the relationships He has brought into my life. He has gathered people around me that love me, and I feel blessed. Because of this, I will bless and praise His name. He has blessed me with the freedom to choose my relationships, to invite people into my life and to love them fully. He has blessed me with the freedom to give and to take. He has blessed me with the freedom to be a deep-spirited friend, and to receive deep-spirited friendships. This is why the Fourth of July was happy!
This morning, I read through parts of Isaiah again. My eyes rested on chapter 45, verse 2:

"I'll go ahead of you, clearing and paving the road.
I'll break down bronze city gates, smash padlocks, kick down barred entrances.
I'll lead you to buried treasures, secret caches of valuables--
Confirmations that it is, in fact, I, God, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name."

As I clearly saw the valuables in my life on the Fourth of July, and how my God has, and continues to clear and pave the road to them, I felt overwhelmed and honored to be called by God.  He has, without a doubt continually broke down city gates, smashed padlocks, and kicked barred entrances, in my life. He has done this so I could learn to love, and let love, this is the buried treasure.
Jesus, Say That Again, You will continue to lead me to buried treasure, and caches of valuables, and confirm to me that it is You that calls me by my name!

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