Monday, January 2, 2012

The Living Place

In the almost 30 years of marriage for my husband and I we have had several living places. We've moved around, from one house to another, and some of the houses I've liked more than others. The house that is now our ministry house use to be our living place, and it was an all time favorite of mine. It's been a favorite of our boys as well, and many people. There's nothing extraordinary about this house, it just feels good. It was an easy house to make a home. We lived there easily, and everyone in the family contributed to living there.  My husband and son built a beautiful deck on the front of the house. Another son and my husband built a fence in the back. One son built a rock patio, and a sand box for his little brother. Even friends contributed by hand painting murals on the walls in bedrooms. The house, our living space, was very personal. My husbands father, built a mud room, and cool pull out shelves in our daughter room. When we remodeled, the refrigerator was brought in before the door was put in, now we realize it is too big to ever be taken back out of the house!
The living space we live in now is lovely, but it took me a long time to adjust because I missed all the sentiments of the other house! But now, we have personalized this living space with versus on the walls, signs, and a soon to be basket ball hoop. We have space, and it feels like home, and I like it here.
God continues to remind me that He is my living space, and He is my home. As the economy continues to waver, and the last couple years have been a real struggle for us financially, we are faced with the reality of loosing our home. This morning, in my devotional the verse was Matthew 6:30,31 "If God so arrays the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more do so for you, O men of little faith? Do not be anxious then."
God lays His own reputation on the line. If I trust and obey, He will provide! And, He has provided in amazing and incredible ways for me and for my family. Do I feel anxious? Yes, and I have to take it to God all the time and ask Him to scoop up my anxiety. He reassure me that I am in His hands and He has everything under control. He has said numerous times that He is my home. He is my rest. He is my safety! I need Him to say it everyday, because the threat of loosing the living space I live in physically is challenging for me.
So, I'm starting out the New Year, still knowing that God is with me. Still telling others that through the challenges of life, He walks with me, and there are many challenges. And, I'm talking about them, at least some of them at this point. And, with those challenges, He will grow me and use me to further His Kingdom. He will turn all things into good, because He is God. I may not be joyful all the time, or even understand, but as He is working on me, my brain, my heart, my life, He is also enabling me to touch a world for Him. So, I will live IN Him, my living space, and  be captured today!
Say That Again, Jesus, You are my Living Space! My Home.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the struggle and the solution. Kathy


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