Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Belt of Truth

It has been a fervent prayer of mine for God to reveal truth to me. It is something that I pray everyday, and as I have asked Him to lead me on this journey I have found that it has required a lot of faith that He will reveal truth. I am currently reading a book that my son recommended and it talks about the armor of God, the Belt of Truth being a part of that armor. In one of the chapters he pointed out that the belt of truth is not just put on in my morning quiet time or a quick morning prayer. It is a process. Putting on the belt of truth comes through long, significant seasons of time with God. It comes out of a longing to hear His voice, and then listening for it. It come when I do not ignore God, but actually seek Him. If I am blaming others, playing games, or hiding from God, I do not have the belt of truth.
Having the belt of truth happens when I am able to come before God and others in an open and honest way with humility. When I do this something painful and wonderful occurs, I break. When I am broken before God, He is able to complete me. It is then that I am able to see the truth of who I really am!
So, I am delving further into truth and the reality of Jesus. No secrets. No Masks. This is life and this is the way it is. It's messy most of the time,and God's grace is pretty all of the time. The Belt of Truth keeps deception far away and enables the truth to be spoken without fear. It is what it is, everyone has a story, so lets hear what it is!
Do you have your belt of truth on today? Or are you hiding behind a secret of deception? Has the belt fallen low? or off?
Jesus, keep my belt secure, hold it on for me. Continue to reveal Your truth to me, and show me Your Glory. Say That Again, Jesus, You are truth!

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