Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Puff

In the last 12 hours I've seen two good friends. We've had some good talks. I left my house. Really, this is an event for me lately because I am staying home with my kids and my dog. It's been nice. So, when I realize it's time to take off the sweats and put on the jeans, boots, and coat, I feel like I've accomplished something big. Everyone should know about this, right, I've left the house!! As I drove down the hill this morning, the road was covered in a new dusting of pure white snow and it was still dark outside, I was praying to God about truth. He brought Psalms 39 to my mind. I didn't get to read it right away, but the conversations that I had last night with my friend and this morning with my friend tied right in with this chapter that God brought to me and I thought it was cool.
Last night my friend and I were talking about truth and how I've been praying for God to reveal truth to me and how I want to speak truth. Psalms 39 begins by saying: "I've determined to watch steps and tongue so they won't  land me in trouble. I decided to hold  my tongue as long as Wicked is in the room. Mum's the word, I said, and kept quiet. But the longer I kept silence, the worse it got--my insides got hotter and hotter. My thoughts boiled over, I spilled my guts."
I was telling my friend last night that I had decided to pray for God's leading in truth and believe that His words would be my words and I would no longer hold my tongue, then this morning He gave me this verse! Imagine that. I would continue to speak my story, and allow His continued freedom!
This morning, as I was with my friend, and we prayed together and we visited. God showed me the beauty of His love. He showed me the deep impact that the wicked can have on another and when we are quiet about our stories, we really do get hotter and hotter on the insides! We, I boil over in various ways until I am no longer in the relationship that God intended me to be in with Him.
Further in this chapter it talks about how we are all just puffs of air! I am just a puff of air in the scheme of this life story.  A spit in the wind, a shadow in a campfire. I am a born rebel, waiting for the grace of Jesus to save me. Praise to Him for coming up behind me and wrapping me in His Robe of Righteousness, and keeping me in His arms.  He purges me, puts me through the fire, and the idols that I hold onto, blow up in smoke, gone. But, yes, still, it is always all about God, and not about me, I am just a puff. Having said that, He can use even puffs.
Say That Again, Jesus, use this puff of air to speak the story of who you are. To speak against the wicked, to run into your arms!

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