Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Prophet

When I woke up this morning I started praying. I asked God to continue to reveal His path to me and enable me to walk upright and holy in Him. By the time I got to my bible, I was thinking about Jeremiah 1-3, so I opened my bible to the right place and began to read. I love how the first chapter starts out  with God talking to Jeremiah:

"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I have appointed you a prophet to the nations."

Jeremiah responded with this:

"Alas, Lord God! Behold, I do not know how to speak, because I am youth."

This is what God told him:

"Do not say 'I am a youth' because everywhere I send you, you shall go. And, all that I command you, you shall  speak."

Then God stretched out His hand and touched the mouth of Jeremiah, saying this:

"Behold, I have put My words in your mouth."

So, Jeremiah did exactly as God told him to do, even though he did not think he could! He believed God and set on speaking the truth to the nations.  He announced that God had chosen Israel as His chosen people and had always been there for them. He told them that they had chose to trade God's glory for empty god-dreams and silly god-schemes.  He called them faithless and idol worshipers. Near the end of chapter three, God lovingly draws Israel to Him:

"Return , O faithless sons, I will heal your faithlessness. "

The patience and enduring love of God is really impressive! At least I'm impressed. I had to ask myself again if I have let idols get in my way of my relationship with God. As I have waded through the trials that seem to come in waves and flood my world, have I always turned to God, or do I look elsewhere for relief?  Have I been able to draw nearer to His Presence during times of financial stress, the selling of homes, the loss of relationship, and the revelations of His truth? There have been days that I have wanted to run to old habits, or simply hide. Days I have felt like it's not worth the work or effort. But, God has been very faithful to me, nudging me to talk to Him and repent. He has continued to be My Stronghold, even when I waver. And, I do waver. Like Jeremiah, I think I can't, and I become discouraged.
Jesus, I need You to Say That Again to me. You formed me and have always known me. You have put Your words in my mouth and commanded me to speak. You lovingly pursue me, and continue to heal me. Thank you Jesus!

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