Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Dwelling Place

We looked at yet another house yesterday afternoon. This house has a river view, and it truly is lovely. It sits in a neighborhood, so it is not the country house my husband and son dream of, but if they were to only look out the back windows at the river view, then they would have their country!  As we walked through the house and I continued to ask God what His perspective was, He just kept reminding me to rest in Him. He will let us know what to choose and what will suit our needs the best for all of the members of our family. I have found that there are certain things that are important to me, yet if God wants me to give them up, then I will. I have found that I am not super excited about the country, yet if God wants me to live in the country, then I will go, and it will be good. I have found that there are some things that I just want to hang on to, and God is asking me if I am willing to live without those things. I am saying "yes, Lord, but it is challenging". I am feeling some losses, pain, overwhelmed with the work, lonely, frustrated, and sad.  God, has been incredibly strengthening through this process too, as He leads both me and my husband through uncharted territory.
This morning, as I discussed all of this with God, He brought John 14:2 to my mind:

"In My Father's house are many dwelling places, if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go  to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also."

There certainly is not a dwelling place on this earth that can compare to the one that He is preparing for me in Heaven. I am looking forward to that. There will be granite there, I'm sure, and we know there is a crystal lake, and many rivers! And, of course, it is the City of God, with streets of gold, gems, and treasures that are beyond my imagination! It is far better than here.
Say That Again, Jesus, Lover of my Soul, You are building me a dwelling place in the City of God!

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