Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Parties

My daughter is turning eight years old soon, we celebrated her birthday yesterday because her brother and his family are home from college. She was very excited. Initially, her list was a about three friends, but it didn't take long for the list to grow significantly. By the time she had it completed, including our family, she had a crowd. We had her favorite meal of Taco's, and played her favorite games, tag and soccer. We decorated picture frames and my husband took pictures of her with all her friends so they had something to take home with them in their frame. We ate cake and ice cream and opened presents, and listened to little girls run through the house as her big brother chased them.
She felt celebrated, loved, delighted in, wanted, and enjoyed. I'm happy about that. She had a great time, and just as I anticipated, she's thinking about her party next year.
I've had a lot of parties the last few weeks, every weekend, actually. It's been busy, with a lot to celebrate. The image that comes to mind for me lately is Jesus and all His parties. He was always going to some kind of party. He was eating and drinking, and visiting with sinners. He was dancing, enjoying people, loving them. Not all people were overly impressed with the way He did things, maybe they thought He was having too much fun, a few too many parties, possibly. He did have a lot going on, He must have been a joy to be with, right?
For me, I continue to pray that my life will reflect the life of Jesus. When there's a party, it will be a Jesus party, full of His character and His love. Jesus, Say That Again to me, You celebrate Your children, love us, delight in us, dance over us, and find great joy in us. Thank you for the parties you bring into my life and the celebrations!

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