Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Harvest Day

We had another family day yesterday. We went to a pumpkin patch. We also went to a hay maze. We ate apples, and pumpkin treats. When my granddaughter saw the apples, she was very excited. She quickly licked one. We laughed, and moved on. But, she wasn't ready to move on, she turned around and ran back to the apples and grabbed one. She giggled as she took it to her mouth and began to eat it.
My husband and I have joked about how we should buy a bus, so our entire family could ride together when we have family days. We always have to take three or four cars. But, then, if we had a a big ugly bus, no one would want to ride with us!

 The pumpkins and the colors were great! The air was cold, but being with my family warmed my heart.

 Playing in the hay was the all time favorite event of the day!

Our evening was full of carving pumpkins, eating dinner, making brownies, and playing football in the living room. I watched. My thoughts were full, and my heart was thankful. Throughout the day God brought many things to my mind as I listened to the chatter of my family. And, then this morning as I was reading in Matthew 9 I loved the story  of Jesus traveling throughout all the towns and villages reporting Kingdom News. He healed diseased bodies, bruised and hurt lives. And, when Jesus looked out over all the people, His heart felt broken. The people were confused and they were aimless, they were all like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus said "What a huge Harvest, so few workers. On your knees and pray for harvest hands!" 
Jesus, Say That Again! Pray for Harvest Hands!

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