Friday, May 17, 2013

The Tender Moments

Every night when my son goes to bed, I go into his room to say goodnight. As soon as he sees me, he takes a dive under his covers, we begin the nightly game of me trying to give a kiss.  I have to wrestle him for a kiss, as he is completely covered up under his blankets. He is getting really big now, and strong, so wrestling him for  a kiss is a lot of work. Sometimes my husband stays around to help me out!  As soon as I manage to get the blankets off of him, and I smack a wet one right on his cheek, he says, "Ouch, that hurt, kiss it better!!" And, we start all over again!
I love tender moments like these. This is what God offers me, tender moments. When I am hiding, He comes and finds me. He wants to be with me in relationship. I am His.
Say That Again, my God, tender moments.

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