Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Free Life

The sun has actually peeked through every day here, and it's been warm!  My kids have been off of school on Spring break. They have been to the park, enjoyed ice cream, raced their bikes around a track, indulged in fast food, played on the X-box, and stayed up later then their usual time. I think, for them it's been a good Spring break so far, and today they have more fun plans. They are excited to be home and not in school. The idea of going back to school next week is not fun for them, they are ready for summer break! Me? I'm not ready for summer break yet, I may need to get a few more things lined up before I dive into summer!
When my kids play together nicely it goes really well, they are happy and the day is smooth. They can play all day with each other in a kind and loving way. But then sometimes we have days when they are not kind and loving; it does not go so well. They can fight, and the more they fight, the less freedom they have. There's tension, and it's just not fun.
This morning, I read the book of Galatians and it reminded me of my children. There was one verse though that struck me:

It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life.

A little further down it says this:

If you bite and ravage each other,watch out-in no time at all you will be annihilating each other, and where will your precious freedom be?
Galations 5:16

Wow! This is exactly what happens with my children!  So I have to ask myself, how do I bite and ravage others in ways that cause me to loose my freedom? How do I allow self interest and sinful compulsions to take over my relationships in such a way that I can no longer serve in love?
Well, the answers require some pretty serious time on my knees before my Holy God. And, I have to ask Him to Say That Again to me, Jesus You have called me to live a free life, absolutely free, lead the way!

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