Friday, April 5, 2013

The Missing Shoe Box

I have a distressing problem. Warmer weather is approaching and I cannot find the box that holds my summer shoes. I packed them, I'm sure we moved them, but I have no clue where they are. I'm leaving in a couple of weeks to go to a wedding, and I'll be going to warmer climate, I'm going to need something on my feet other than boots or clunky clogs, right? I ventured to the thrift store yesterday, in hopes of finding a great pair of summer shoes, but everything I found was either too big or too small. I tried to squeeze into a couple pairs of sweet little flats, which would've been perfect for the outside evening wedding I'm going to, but, no, yesterday was not my day for shoe thrift store shopping.
I pondered the missing box today, and ventured into my closet a couple times to take inventory of the shoes I have. They are all very wintery and dark. Hmm, I might be hot, which isn't a bad thing for me, but I'm not sure that my cowboy boots are the right attire for the dress I'll be wearing. I wonder where that box is with all my summer shoes? I guess it won't matter, as long as I have something on my feet.
This morning, I read in the book of Ephesians, and in chapter 3, verse 12 it says this:

When we trust in him, we're free to say whatever needs to be said, bold to go wherever we need to go. 

I guess it just reminded me of shoes, and walking wherever I need to walk, trusting Jesus as I go. As I step forward wearing my shoes, whatever kind they are, I'm going to pray for His boldness and the freedom to use it. He is with me all the way, Say That Again, Jesus, if I trust you, I am free to say whatever needs to be said, and bold to go wherever I need to go! You provide the shoes for me to walk in. 

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