Friday, November 16, 2012

The Twisted Path

This morning in the Sarah Young devotional it said this:

"As you look at the day before you, you see a twisted, complicated path, with branches going off in all directions."

There have been days that I have considered the path I'm on to be twisted and complicated! I have always had to come back to the truth that even if it feels that way, His Light will show me the way. It may appear to be maze like, but God knows.
It's like one of the songs I listened to yesterday and there was a phrase that grabbed me: "Your future is my memory." God knows every twist in the path. To Him, it is not complicated, He knows the way, because He is the Way! He knows exactly how to walk life and lead the Way for me.
Say That Again, Jesus, this twisted path belongs to You. Light it up!

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