Friday, January 31, 2014

The Prayerful Heart

Last summer my Warrior Sisters and I chose a word to focus on for a year. I chose Prayerful. When I chose this word, I anticipated that God would lead me to places of praying with others more often,  but that has not been the case.   As I have prayed about being more prayerful, God has drawn me into a more intimate relationship with Him. He has asked me to tell Him more about my heart. He has called out the deepest longings that are lodged inside of me, the ones I didn't even know about, and He has put His WORD into my longings. He has spoken His prayer over me and shown me that to be prayerful for myself and the inner most needs within my soul is the first step to being able to really pray in an effective way for others.
Another gift God has given me as I have focused on the word prayerful is the gift of being prayed over. I have found healing in the blessing of others laying their hands on me and praying God's anointed blessing upon me. This has been a very intimate and powerful experience for me. It has confirmed the beauty of having others that are walking on their journey of faith pray before the Throne of God on my behalf.
I often think about Jesus and how he walked on this earth. What did it look like for him and his disciples?  Jesus was very prayerful. He prayed for God's will to be done in His life. He taught His disciples to pray the same way. Jesus prayed for His own needs, sometimes all night long. And, He prayed for the ones He loved. I wonder sometimes, what did Jesus and His disciples pray about when they were sitting around the fire on a daily basis?  Were they  having the heart to heart talks that I have now in my prayers with Jesus? Were the disciples telling him all about their fears, longings, shames, joys, etc? I think they were. They were laughing and crying, and it was all very intimate.
If I pray for God's will to be done in my life, then I want to have a very intimate relationship with Jesus. I want to know all of Him and let Jesus know all of me, because I am giving over my life to His will. That means nothing is left in my control anymore; it's all up to Him now.
Prayerful moments create intimate moments with Jesus. When I feel alone, I have gone to Him. When I feel rejected, I pray and tell Him what I'm feeling. When I get angry, I talk to God. When I have that old feeling of being replaced, I run to God and cry out to Him. When I get afraid, I start to repeat His name.
Jesus, I will Say That Again to you, prayerful moments have brought me to you in a deeper, bolder way, I am thankful for my prayerful heart.

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