Friday, July 19, 2013

The Pallets

It feels like I'm running out of time. It's the middle of July, and the women's retreat is fast approaching. The list of things to do is still rather long, but the days to accomplish them is not as long! Maybe, everything will not get done as I have imagined. It will still work out. This week I have been focusing on painting pallets. And, I'm still looking for more pallets, but have noticed that they are becoming a little harder to find.
 It seems that everyone is pallet happy these days. I see truck loads of pallets on the highway, and I am so curious where they are taking them. A friend told me that she went to a pallet bonfire, as she was telling me it brought a gasp to my breath. How could this happen? Burning pallets?
So, back to my signs, I put my children to work painting a pallet. One with red paint, the other with blue. This kept them busy for a over an hour. While they did the red and blue pallet, I painted one with chalkboard paint. Fun, and big project. After the chalkboard paint was dry, I then added some other interesting details to make my pallet unique.  It's not finished yet, but I'm liking the way it looks.
As I was working on the pallets with my chalkboard paint, and then later adding some special treasures, it made me think of how God has picked me up out of the trash and painted over me. He too writes His Word on my heart, and adds His treasures to my life. In Deuteronomy 14:2 it says this:

You are a people holy to God, your God; God chose you out of all the people on Earth as His cherished personal treasure.

Abba, Father, Say That Again, I am Your treasure!

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