Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Crazy Pain

I've got a back ache, it's been there for awhile now. It's low in my back and it's starting to really interrupt my life style. Not only do I have a back ache, but the pain penetrates around to the side of my abdomen too. And, I have the added bonus of nausea. I'm use to having various pains in my body and they just come and go. I use to go to the doctor, but I quit when I discovered that they did not have solutions! This time though, I decided that I would go, considering the pain was not going away and my lifestyle was being altered. So, I scheduled a visit, this is where the crazy comes in.
I did the routine of the little exam room, the doctor poking my back, asking questions, and peeing in a cup. I got poked with a needle and scheduled for an ultrasound.  I went to the ultrasound and they took pictures of all my organs, and now I get to wait for the results. I filled my prescription for pain pills, and had an allergic reaction to them, and got to itch for three days. I feel really grumpy. Even though my body is in pain, my belief is that the doctor won't be able to figure out what is going on, and I will be in a crazy cycle of pain and grumpy forever.
This morning when I woke up, I started by asking God to get me through this day. It's a family day with all my children and grandchildren. Feeling crazy, grumpy, and in pain, does not fit in well with family days. I read the Sara Young devotional and I liked the last paragraph:

Ask My Spirit  to control your mind, for He and I work in perfect harmony. Be still and attentive in My presence. You are on holy ground.

Whatever happens with the pain in my body, doesn't really matter. What matters is what I think about. And, I can so easily forget this. I am not on crazy ground, I am on holy ground, because I live in the presence of Jesus. Sometimes I don't want to use the energy it takes to be nice, so I'm just grumpy. But, the truth is, holy ground is kind and loving.
Jesus, You are Holy. Your Spirit is within me and Your Hand continues to touch me. Take the crazy cycle of pain that I get in and keep me still. Say That Again to me, I'm on holy ground!

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