Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Sweet Day

My two younger children have gone to spend some time with their older brother and our daughter in law. They were very excited about going and excited to do fun things with them. My husband and I were excited to have some time alone!
The first thing we did, was take a nap. Our house was very quiet, and the nap was a deep slumber that was much needed by both of us. The rest of our day consisted of a movie, ice cream, talks, playful times with Fur Ball, reading, and late night snacks. Today, we intend to do more of the same until we see our children again. It will be another Sweet Day, one that God blesses me with, and our marriage.
He has reminded me of the value of taking time to rest in relationship. It can be so easy to get busy, especially with children and work, it's challenging to find the time to just be still with each other. As I have considered this, I have thought about all my relationships, and God has showed me an interesting connection. The ones in which I feel safe enough to just be still, those are the ones that are restful and deep to me.  God wants me to be right there beside Him, friends, trusting, loving, pursuing, yet resting. His arms are open to me, giving me grace, and being a shelter of love and rest.
Jesus, enable me to be a shelter of love and rest in my relationships. Make each day a Sweet Day with each encounter I have. Say That Again, Lord Jesus, You are love, rest, and my Sweet Day!

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