Sunday, November 2, 2014

Shine On!

Personally, Halloween, is not my favorite time of year. As a family, we've never had big parties or gone all out on Halloween. At the same time, we haven't told our children that they can't dress up or eat candy either.  We take them to Harvest Festivals or pass out candy to children that knock at our door. Sometimes, our children trick or treat in the neighborhood.
But, this year, it was different. They didn't want to do any of that. They wanted to spend time with us. They wanted to go out for dinner, in their costumes, and just eat out with mom and dad! So, that is the way we spent our Halloween.
They put on old man masks, and we took them to the Olive Garden. It was a lot of fun. I am praying it becomes a tradition with our children. 
Earlier that day I took them to the dollar store and we bought some candy for them to have after we got home from the Olive Garden. They enjoyed that for dessert. 
As a child of God I am called to bring Light into the darkness, even on holidays like Halloween. And, Halloween is dark. 
As we gathered at the Olive Garden and prayed over our food, we were shining light into a very dark holiday, and it brought glory to God. 
We live in this world, as we move through places of darkness, I know His Spirit will be the wind in and around all those that love Him, and His Light will shine. The darkness will dispel. 
If I do not walk into any of those places with the presence of God, than I am missing the opportunity to shine the light God has blessed me with. 
Say That Again, Shine On!

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