Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Totally Saved

Yesterday was my birthday. It was a very nice day. I had a few birthday wishes, all of which I got to do. 
The first thing I wanted to do was visit Bethel Church, and we did that on Sunday. It was a great experience for our entire family. I enjoyed watching the people engage each other in conversation there. Both my husband and I noticed that they reached out and touched each other a lot and prayed for each other often. The conversation in the HeBrew coffee shop centered around God and all that He was doing in their lives. It was stimulating, exciting, and good.
I also liked it because at the end of the service, I went to the front and asked someone to pray for me. My right arm has been in pain for a long time, and I haven't been able to fully move it above my head or behind my back. She prayed. It moves now. The pain is almost completely gone. She also prayed for my time to be refreshed and restored and as she did God gave me a picture of a hammock and a sword. 
A hammock for rest and a sword for restoration!
She asked me what I was planning to give God in exchange, and I gave Him the stresses in my life.
It was a beautiful time.
My family and I spent my birthday day together. We did some shopping, went out for coffee, and ate Italian food. Then we drove to the beach, one of my favorite places. I loved watching my children play in the waves and run in the sand. We explored new towns, and had good conversations. It was a relaxing and fun day.
Many friends and family wished me a happy birthday and I felt loved. It was a good day. 
Above all, I knew on my birthday, and I know now, I am totally saved! Because my Jesus came to this earth and was born, lived a life as a boy and man, then died on that cross, I am Totally Saved!
He didn't do it half way. In fact, He even said "It is finished!"
Totally Saved
That's the best part of every day.
Say That Again, Totally Saved!

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